design - trends

Please see what the trends were in each year by clicking on the colours

2025 trends - see more by clicking on the image

  1. Eco-Luxe 

Emphasis on sustainability and luxury. Earthy greens, deep blues, and natural browns with timbers.

2. Tech-Savvy

Fusion of advanced technology with minimalistic design. Cool blues and greys with metallic accents (silver, chrome) and black and white contrasts

3. Bo Ho Retro 
Rich jewel tones (emerald, ruby, sapphire) with warm golds and coppers.
Deep purples and magentas with soft neutrals for balance

2024 trends - see more by clicking on the image

oranges, purples, greens, blues with pops of pink and aqua on a bed of neutral browns and beiges with dark blue trims.

Bright natural colours. It reminds us of a fruit salad!

2023 trends - see more by clicking on the image

lavender, orange, clay and greenery feature.

pearly reflections and bold clashing colours will be seen

checks are in!

2022 trends

2021 trends

2020 colour trends

2019 colours

2018 trends

2017 trends

2016 colour trends

2012 colours