Refraction occurs light waves are scattered through one material to another material - eg air and water.
Refraction occurs light waves are scattered through one material to another material - eg air and water.
Refraction is often remembered as the ‘bent’ ruler exercise from school. Items will seem distorted in the different materials
Depending on the angle the light enters the different material will determine how much changes.
Meet Refrada Refraction!
Let us go on a refraction excursion!
Atmospheric refraction allows us to see the sun when it is below the horizon. The light from the sun changes direction (refracts) as it passes through the different layers of atmosphere.
Leonie captured the sun at first light.
A halo around the sun or moon is the light from it refracting of the thin ice in cirrus clouds.
This halo can be white, but sometimes coloured.
A rainbow is formed when white light enters a rain drop. It is refracted to the other side then some light goes thorough and some is reflected back, loosing some of its intensity. It is the refracted again. Then
Each colour wave comes out of a lot of raindrops at different angles because of all the refraction, and we see a rainbow.
It is a full circle which airline pilots sometimes see, but we only see the arc over the horizon.
When it is reflected twice we see a double rainbow – the second one is even more faded, and opposite order of colours because it was reflected twice.
Refraction is often thought of as the ‘bent’ ruler exercise from school.
This looks like the end of the rainbow! But is a full rainbow with the water and clouds in front.
Leonie plays with lines and light. Her painting can bee seen in the glass refracted.
The lines of the table under the glass are distorted at the rim, as they are refracted through thicker glass.
Glenise has added a halo effect to connect
See more of Glenise's pieces by clicking on her images.
When you have transparent materials there will be a refraction effect looking through
Leonie plays with refraction for her Bob Marley piece.
See more of Leonies pieces by clicking on her images.
Add glass for interesting visuals
Jeanene explored whet happens to diffracted shapes.
See more of Jeanene's pieces by clicking on her images.
When you have transparent materials there will be a refraction effect looking through
Jeanene looked at the colours and shapes of a woman then rearranged the way we see them
Add coloured glass panels for interesting effects.