colourED LIGHT

White light is created when the primary light colours of red, green and blue light beams add together.

Colours are made when different proportions of light are added. these are additive colours.

The secondary light colours are cyan, magenta and yellow light beams.

Tertiary additive colours are made when mixing secondary light colours together

A white surface will be seen when white light reflects to the eye. 

A mixture of colours of red, green and blue light beams create white light

We see usually white light during the day

Meet Walter White light!

The primary additive light colours are blue, red and green. Mixed together they create white light.

See more about blue light by clicking on the image.

See more about red light by clicking on the image.

See more about green light by clicking on the image.

Secondary light colours are cyan, magenta and yellow light beams.

See more about cyan light by clicking on the image.

See more about yellow light by clicking on the image.

See more about magenta light by clicking on the image.

Tertiary colours can be created mixing different light beams

A mixture of different amount of colours will create the other colours

For example 1 part red and 2 parts blue will make a violet light.

If you use 1 part red and 4 parts blue it will be purple

coloured lights bring on different emotions, such as sunsets, rainbows and fireworks.

You 'see' a colour when all the other wavelengths of colour are absorbed into a surface, and one is reflected to your eye.

In the back of the eye are rods (which 'see' black and white) and cones (which 'see' colours)

They then send chemicals to the brain which then computes what is being seen.

Sometimes there is an overload in the system and the brain compensates.

Click on the image to see you tube video for more information

White light from a white light fitting will give true colours for your food when over a dining table.

Click on the image to see more about the art by Glenise Clelland.

Don't forget that a window will bring white light into your space!

Click on the image to see more about the art by Leonie Mulqueeney.

Good lighting in the kitchen is really important. Not only can you see the items you are cooking, but it is a safety factor.

Click on the image to see more about the art by Jeanene Hyles.

A lamp will often bleed light up and down - so things above it will become focal elements.