shapes arranged randomly

When items are arranged in a random fashion, there is a feeling of energy.

The eye is moving from one item to the next as the brain tries to work out subconsciously (and sometimes consciously) how to make a feeling of balance.

We often turn to nature to see random arrangements at their best.

When random shapes and lines are used in art and design, energy is created.

Often many colours are also used to reinforce this feeling

Our lines and shapes are randomly placed.

Add different shapes and knobs to your kitchen to bring the energy of randomness to your space

Art by Leonie

Leonie's piece brings the feeling of Summer to this piece

See more of her work by clicking on the image

Bring the randomness of nature to your space with Glenise's piece

Feel the energy of being underwater and experiencing the randomness of nature

see more of Glenise's work by clicking on her image

Add different colours and sizes of cushions arranged randomly to bring energy to your space

A bunch of iris from Jeanene's giant floral series

see more about Jeanene by clicking on her images

Add random with free form creations as décor pieces

Jeanene's disco ball brings the randomness of movement to this concept.

Start a collection and arrange them randomly to create energy as your eye moves from one to the next.

many hand dyed fibres have different colours which create a random placement of colours

collect random cushions and small art works which creates a homely feel to your space.

Fibres with changing colours will bring a random pattern to a piece.