Arranging shapes in a line is ordered - like a queue!
When items are arranged in a linear fashion, a sense of formality is felt.
Arranging shapes in a line is ordered - like a queue!
The use of shapes arranges in a line, also allows for a feeling of order.
This could be a book case, architectural feature on the ceiling, or a series of paintings on a wall
Meet Lionel Linear man!
Arranging vertical lies of this feature wall brings a sense of order to this space
Paintings arranged vertically adds height to the space.
arrange pieces of art in a linear fashion
the vertical lines of curtains create a pattern
repeating blocks of lines allows for an illusion of height.
Click on the image to see more about Glenise
Glenise uses a series of vertical lines which depicts nature showing its height!
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Use a series of lines to repeat in artwork and décor pieces creating a feeling of uniformity
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Leonie uses a repetition of lines slightly changing in this piece which creates movement.
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arrange art work in a line to create a feeling of order
Click on the image to see more about Jeanene
Jeanene has created a series of gum tree panels which can be arranged in so many ways
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Jeanene creates her art scarves vertically
Click on the image to see more about our scarves