arrange shapes in a grid

When same sized shapes are arranged in order in all directions they form a grid.


We see grids creating stable patterns covering views in so many places

The grid formation of windows in a high rise feels stable and comforting in its regularity.

This can be seen with tile patterns, table arrangements in a dining room, and less obvious formations such as down lights on a ceiling.

gather a collection of drawings, and arrange them in a grid pattern. Drawings by Glenise Clelland

Drawings by Glenise Clelland- click on the image to see more about Glenise

Leonie uses a grid over her piece. These shapes are reflected in the joinery.

see more about Leonie Mulqueeney, by clicking on the image

Jeanene's daisies printed as a repeat grid on wall paper

see more about Jeanene by clicking on her images

repeat the grid patterns in decor items. This throw is by Jeanene

repeat the grid patterns in decor items. This throw is by Jeanene

Jeanenes hibiscus prints can be arranged in a grid

Jeanene created a 3 dimensional piece with little canvas blocks creating a grid

Use a grid pattern on the floor to relate to your grid art

Add some checks to bring a formal grid in to a space

repeat the grid patterns in decor items. This throw is by Jeanene

look around to be inspired by grids!

some grid inspired moodboards

repeat the grid patterns in decor items. This throw is by Jeanene