shape cone

The cone shape incorporates the calm circle with the diagonal angles of the sides.

The cone shape in an environment will create a sense of tension between the shapes. 

But many people will associate it with the experience of eating an ice cream and will feel good!

We feel that a cone relates to the colour yellow orange. The energy of the diagonal lines, and the calm energy of a circle - Meet Cortney Cone!

Clayton Blake art is able to use the cone shape in this piece to create such a statement! Thankyou for allowing us to use images of your work! 

Thankyou Clayton for allowing us to share your work - please visit his website by clicking on his image

Rebecca Cunningham created an interesting piece at the Swell Sculpture festival in 2016, using cone like shapes. Thankyou for allowing us to use images of your work!

please visit her website by clicking on her image.

Stephen captured some cones in Millan!

Glenise uses the diagonal lines of see more about Glenise by clicking on her image.

 Add a big cone light to relate to the painting!

Leonie uses the elements of a cone in this piece.

see more about Leonie by clicking on her image.

add light fittings and cones to reflect the diagonal lines.

Jeanene uses cone shaped pine trees

see more about Jeanene by clicking on her image.

 Add a few cones in décor pieces to relate to the painting

a golden cushion on a cone

see more of Jeanene's cushions in our cushion shop

Jeanene's trees are cones which relate to the light fitting

see more about Jeanene by clicking on her image.

 Add a few cones in décor pieces to relate to the painting

add a few cones to the joinery and lights to add some drama!

try cone stools to add some energy to the space!

Cortney has dressed in some mood board concepts