line diagonal

Diagonal lines are the 'action' lines.

Use them when you want energy in your space.

diagonal lines bring excitement and energy! Great for a party atmosphere, or used in advertising for impact.

We feel that red is the perfect colour to represent a diagonal line!

Both have energy. Both have an impact on peoples response. The heart rate is faster, the feeling of dancing at a party!

We feel neither are good to use in an environment where you wish to relax.

Meet Dianna Diagonal!

Seen here as a person running. These lines show rising or falling, they imply movement

Eg. Running up a hill, curtains draped to each side feel that they could fall from their tie.

diagonal lines create an energy

The angle of these lines create impact

Paintings and lines in your space will make for an energized space, as the eye moves along the diagonal lines

Use diagonal lines in advertising to create energy and impact

use diagonal lines in your space to bring energy.

Glenise uses diagonal lines to create movement in this piece

see more about Glenise by clicking on her images

Add diagonal lines in your decor pieces to complement diagonal artwork

Jeanene uses diagonal lines in this piece creating energy as the leaves fall from the Autumn tree

arrange window details and décor items in a diagonal fashion to create energy

Leonie uses contrasts and diagonal lines in this energetic piece

see more about Leonie by clicking on her images

even calm green is energetic when diagonally placed

a calm sunset will have more vitality when there are diagonal lines

add diagonal lines for energy in you space.

The diagonal ladders bring energy to this piece by Jeanene.

The running diagonal reinforces the movement of the run.

Diagonal legs bring energy to the space - add art with diagonal lines to reinforce the feel.

Some diagonal mood boards to inspire