TETRAD COLOUR SCHEME is 2 sets of contrasting colours
eg. rust/turquoise, lime/magenta
TETRAD COLOUR SCHEME is 2 sets of contrasting colours
eg. rust/turquoise, lime/magenta
or rust/turquoise, Purple/yellow or Purple/yellow, blue/orange
add 2 contrasting colours for impact!
Meet Tetty Tetrad!
To help you remember what is a tetrad scheme, imagine a square.
When you join the shape of 2 contrasting colours on the colour wheel you make a square - or rectangle.
The word tetrad is also used in the metric system defining land areas. A 2km x 2km square is called a tetrad.
A tetrad is also used in microbiology to define clusters of four cocci bacteria, which are shown as 4 circles arranged in a square.
try any 2 contrasting colours! eg rust/turquoise, Purple/yellow or Purple/yellow, blue/orange
A tetrad scheme does not need to be high chroma impact colours
Add some natural elements -think of plants and timber as part of the colour scheme
Leonie has had a play with contrasting colours.
See more about Leonie by clicking on her images.
Use an artwork as a mood board to inspire blocking colours to create a playful space.
Glenise uses blue and blue-purple with contrasts of orange and yellow-orange.
See more about Glenise by clicking on her images.
be inspired by an artwork to create pops of colour.
select a piece of art, and think of the contrasting colours.
See more about Jeanene by clicking on her images.
Find the contrasts to the art and block the colours. Remember that timber is a colour!
Select décor items with some of the 4 colours to complement the scheme
add textures and some bling for reflection! The colours around will reflect and add to the continuity.