Cold colours are on the green/blue side of the colour wheel.
These colours make people feel cooler.
The environment recedes. We associate these colours with ice and snow.
Cold colours are on the green/blue side of the colour wheel.
These colours make people feel cooler.
The environment recedes. We associate these colours with ice and snow.
Studies have been done were people will change the thermostat to make it warmer by 2-3 degrees when they are in a room with cool colours.
On hot days it is like being in a cool rainforest when covered with greenery, or on the ski slopes when ice blue is in your space.
Cold colours - make people feel cooler.
They are on the blue/green side of the colour wheel.
(Yellow and a cold purple (blue-purple) will be included)
During hot days the colours of the cool water at the beach create a cooler feel
This should be considered when deciding the colours for a room.
If you are in a hot climate cool colours will help with the cooling bill!
Past experiences, cultural influences should also be considered. Often people will think of blue as the blue ocean, and sky on a hot summers day!
Using cool colours like blue, especially high chroma tinted colours creates a cool space
Glenise explores the cool waters around Noosa
See more about Glenise by clicking on her images
High Chroma fluro blue greens create a cool space
Leonie uses blues and greens in this cool piece
See more about Leonie by clicking on her images