Our brain continuously compares things we see including the colours. Different colours will look different with different surroundings
See the emotional reactions to grey for further information.
Our brain continuously compares things we see including the colours. Different colours will look different with different surroundings
See the emotional reactions to grey for further information.
The surrounding colours can make a colour look totally different - An artwork on a dark background will appear lighter.
The same piece in a light environment will appear darker
Meet Cali and Callie!
They are the Compare twins - they are the same, yet with different colours around them they change colour and value.
Click on the image to see them in action!
If you choose a colour with elements of each of the surrounding colours you will see the central colour taking on the properties of the other colour visually. See more by clicking on the image and going to YouTube.
That is the warmer, redder mauve makes the little square look colder and bluer, and
the colder, bluer purple makes the little square look pinker and warmer.
When you place the same cushions in different colour ways they may look different! Click on the image to go to YouTube to see more.
A similar thing happens when you use 2 primary colours and the secondary colour in the centre.
The green becomes bluer visually when surrounded by yellow,
and yellower when surrounded by blue.
It should also be noted that a lighter surrounding (yellow) will make the small square look darker, and the darker surrounding (dark blue) will make the green little square look lighter. These should be considered when painting a wall. Your furniture could look different colour afterwards!
The eye is looking at the 3 colours and comparing them.
When an apricot colour has orange around it it looks bluer
It looks redder when surrounded by green
This concept should be considered in all aspects of design - from a graphic in an add to matching a top with pants.
Another example is when there is a tan centre. When it is lighter pink the tan appears darker than if surrounded by a dark green. The tan also looks a different colour - it looks greener on the pink, and pinker on the green. The eye is comparing the 4 squares and 'balancing' in the brain.
Glenise's painting looks darker on a light wall
On the darker wall it appears lighter!
Glenise's painting by its self has its own colour integrity! see more about Glenise by clicking on her images
If you select the 2 colours that create the third colour, the light and dark and colours will change significantly
If you use the colour of the paintings background the colours pop!
depending on the wall colour, the art will look differnet.
Leonies painting by its self has its own colour integrity! see more about Leonie by clicking on her images
Another example is when there is a tan cushion. When it is in a lighter environment, the tan appears darker than if surrounded by a dark pink. The tan also looks a different colour - it looks greener on the pink, and pinker on the green. The eye is comparing the 4 squares and 'balancing' in the brain.
In these concepts, using Jeanene Hyles "jacaranda" When the walls are dark the painting seems lighter.
the art work seem darker with pale walls, when you look form one to the other and compare.
When you paint the wall in one of the colours of an art work the art looks so different!
Using these ideas in practice allows you to change the wall colour to create a very different emotional response!
When Jeanene's disco balls are placed in an aqua environment the purple pops
On a purple wall the aqua pops and they look lighter
on a light blue wall, they look darker and pinker.
on a pale pink wall, they look darker, and redder
Think of these when you add your scarf to an outfit. Change the whole look if you contrast
If you use similar colours the scarf will blend visually
Colours will pop on black
The value will look darker on white, and the colours seem more subdued.
the white light reflects the true colour of the copper nails
Different light colours will make an object look different. Our brain will look at different parts of the image, compare them and determine what the colour would be if it were illuminated with white light.
above are images of copper nails with different colours. We know they are copper coloured because we compare different parts of the image.
If it were cropped so that you only see the coloured part, then you may think that they are coloured nails!
This scarf S1615 is predominately pale sage.
When it is on a red background compared to a tan background the value changes.
It seems lighter on the red, as there is more contrast.
When there is a blue background compared to the pale background the scarf seems lighter.
An environment, such as a jacket or skirt or pant will make the scarf seem different when you compare the two colours.